Black Salve

Black Salve information and real case information will be posted here. If you have used Black Salve please use this page to post your story to share with others.

Panacea-BOCAF is an educational organization that operates largely as a not for profit entity. Panacea deals with the training, consultation, protection and research into suppressed and alternative FREE energy technology. Panacea also promotes the training and research into sustainable development specifically involving the usage of the available alternatives to the current polluting industries.

Panacea also deals with education about whole food/organic non toxic nutrition to prevent and treat disease. In addition - Alternative medicine which like our nutrition research remains suppressed in our education system due to a conflict of interest.

Our ultimate aim is for a curriculum that teaches innovation in the areas of ecological betterment and laws to protect the environment. All future Jobs and careers must be relate to being ECO friendly to our environment. Children must learn this from the start.

The Panacea Black Salve video production can be found here:
